Hello! My name is Liam. I write stories. This blog is where the right story tries to find the right person. Maybe there’s a story here for you! If you like what you find, then you might like my novels. You can find them on Amazon, and/or you can grab your free Sir Thomas the Hesitant and the Table of Less Valued Knights ebook at liamperrin.com/free-sir-thomas when you sign up for my Preposterous Semi-Occasional Newsletter.
Less Valued Knights #3 is out of the research and planning stages, but I’ve recently taken on a different exciting and massive project that is consuming all my time. It’s going to be a few more months before I can realistically hope to pen to paper. On the other hand, what does ‘realistically’ have to do with anything?
There are links in the footer below to connect with me on a variety of social networks where I flounder about sporadically. If you sign up for my Preposterous Semi-Occasional Newsletter, I’ll let you know when new things happen via old school digital electrogram.
Sir Thomas the Hesitant and the Table of Less Valued Knights has been described by readers as:
★★★★★ …amazingly clever. Like, Pratchett and Gaiman clever.
“Liam Perrin is amazingly clever. Like, Pratchett and Gaiman clever. Sir Thomas the Hesitant is definitely one of my favorite books I’ve read this year, and I can’t wait to see what other stories Liam Perrin comes up with next.” — Goodreads reviewer Taylor Davis
★★★★★ A little like Lemony Snicket meets TH White.
“…one of the most enjoyable, light reading books I have read for some time. A little like Lemony Snicket meets TH White.”
– Amazon reviewer Daniel Jaye
★★★★★ I just felt so good after reading this…
“The whole story is enthralling, engaging on an individual level, and I finished the book with a silly grin. I just felt so good after reading this, which is sorta the point, isn’t it?” — Goodreads reviewer Cari, Indianapolis